I became obsessed with owning chickens when I moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in late 2020. I wanted to be able to have fresh eggs while avoiding the rising prices and the pandemic restrictions. I had a nice backyard with plenty of space to create a run and a coop. I knew of places to obtain the little ladies as well as places to find the essentials to making them happy. My partner was not so sure of this plan. She suggested I do research to find out if this was even legal in Milwaukee. She wanted me to make sure I had all the facts before I jumped into this venture.
The problem was to research the rules and regulations as well as the pros and cons of raising chickens in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I had to provide my research to my partner so that she would have a better understanding of why I wanted to have the chickens and what we could expect from them.
I researched local laws and conducted interviews with urban chicken owners. I researched businesses that provide the coops, the materials to make a run, places to purchase feed, and the chickens. I found that if I compiled all of this information in a booklet, it would not only satisfy the need to convey the information but could also be used for others to see if raising their own poultry would be right for them.
Above: the covers and spreads of Urban Chicken Ranching.
Above: the covers and two spreads.